Features based on device carrier like signal distribution by telco type, last seen cellular carrier and most seen WiFi carrier.
Feature Name | Data Type | Definition | Android Example | iOS Example |
pre_wifi_carrier | string | Most seen wifi carrier during the lifetime of the device. Though rare, it can have multiple values if multiple carriers are seen for the same duration | others | others |
pre_wifi_engagement | double | Mobile signals distribution in the mobilewalla dataset when connection type = wifi | 0.73704 | 0.93548 |
pre_cellular_carrier | string | Last seen cellular carrier name for the device. We standardise the values to major carriers in the country (including prominent MVNOs). All other carriers are clubbed under ‘others’ | indosat | telkomsel |
pre_cellular_engagement | double | Mobile signals distribution in the mobilewalla dataset when connection type = cellular | 0.26296 | 0.06452 |
pre_cellular_carrier_tenure | double | Processed value of the tenure of the current cellular carrier of the device | 0.761776567 | 0.009869897 |
pre_sec_cellular_carrier | string | Second current cellular carrier name for the device [in dual sim devices]. The value would be null if the device is not dual sim | axiata | others |
pre_sec_cellular_carrier_tenure | double | Processed value of the tenure of the second current cellular carrier of the device [in dual sim devices] | 0.006520727 | 0.000931532 |
pre_previous_cellular_carrier | string | Immediate previous cellular carrier name for the device that was seen before the current carrier | telkomsel | others |
pre_previous_cellular_carrier_tenure | double | Processed value of the tenure of the immediate previous cellular carrier of the device | 0.873661697 | 0.036402568 |
pre_all_previous_cellular_carrier | string | Array of all previous cellular carrier names. Carrier names would be semicolon separated | [Telkomsel,Other,PT Mega Mentari Mandiri,tidakadalayanan,Tidak ada layanan,WIFI,5100151021,71112,71113,other,01,indosatbooredoo] | [cmhk] |
pre_all_cellular_carriers_median_tenure | double | Processed value of the median tenure of the device across all cellular carriers seen for the device | 0.325353652 | 0.023939064 |
pre_total_cellular_carriers_seen | double | Processed value of the count of all carriers seen for the device | 0.866666675 | 0.13333334 |