Audience Segmentation

Effective Segmentation Strategy this Ramadan

Ramadan, the holy month for the year 2021, starts in the evening of April 12th and ends at sundown on May 12th. During this time, millions of Muslims across the world observe fast from dawn till dusk. After sundown they typically dress up, meet family and friends and enjoy a meal together.

Ramadan Audience Segments for 2021

For Marketers, Ramadan is an important season to observe, as consumer behavior changes with increased purchase activity and content consumption across platforms. To help you better connect with your audience, we have refreshed our Ramadan Audience Segments for 2021. These custom segments are built specifically to ensure engagement with your highest value prospects during this important time.


Mobilewalla has created the segments using predictive modelling methods based on consumers’ mobile app usage observed during Ramadan 2020. Further customization is also available depending on your specific campaign requirements. The audience segments can be activated across any DSP, DMP, and social platforms to help you maximize consumer engagement during this season.

We also recommend using our footfall analytics solution to boost the ROI of your marketing spend. Mobilewalla’s Location Visitation Attribution (LVA) solution delivers insights about marketing campaign and store performance, the demography and behavior of your customers, competitor behavior and much more.

Technology Brief: Location Visitation Attribution: A Deep Dive on Mobilewalla’s  Footfall Analytics

Download our Ramadan Audience Segments 2021 to learn more or get in touch with a Mobilewalla data expert to learn how you can drive higher ROI with your Ramadan campaigns.

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