Feature Mart Data Dictionary:


Features like user age and gender.

Feature Name Data Type Definition Android Example iOS Example
pre_skewness_female double Processed value of the device skewness towards gender = female  0.000414119 0
pre_skewness_male double Processed value of the device skewness towards gender = male  0 0
gender_prediction integer Predicted gender of the Device. Possible values are “1” for male and “0” for female 0 1
gender_confidence_bucket string Confidence bucket for gender. Value is provided as a 2 character code: [sd (Self declared), hc (High), mc (Medium) & lc (Low)] mc hc
age_bucket_prediction integer Age Bucket of the Device. Value is provided as a 1 digit BucketCode: [1(18-24); 2(25-34); 3(35-44); 4(45-54); 5(55+)] 2 1
age_bucket_confidence_bucket string Confidence bucket for age group. Value is provided as a 2 character code: [sd (Self declared), hc (High), mc (Medium) & lc (Low)] hc hc
pre_skewness_18_24  double Processed value of the device skewness towards age group label “18-24”  0.38536 0.02194
pre_skewness_25_34  double Processed value of the device skewness towards age group label “25-34”  0.143 0.01521
pre_skewness_35_44  double Processed value of the device skewness towards age group label “35-44”  0.10357 0.00786
pre_skewness_45_54  double Processed value of the device skewness towards age group label “45-54”  0.04689 0.00255
pre_skewness_55_plus  double Processed value of the device skewness towards age group label “55+”  0.01655 0.00132
predicted_income double Predicted income bucket of the device where available. High is 3, Average is 2, and Low is 1 2.0 3.0



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