Feature Mart Data Dictionary:

Time Engagement

Features focused on hours, days and period when the devices are active or engaged.

Feature Name Data Type Definition Android Example iOS Example
pre_signal_count double Processed value of the number of signals seen throughout the history of the device 1 0.000272309
pre_active_day_percentage double Active days % in the observation period/device period 0.533861101 0.149458379
pre_commute_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the commuting hours of the day [7AM-10AM AND 5PM-8PM] 0.34635 0.42105
pre_early_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the early hours of the day [4AM-7AM] 0.00636 0
pre_night_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the late hours of the day [11PM-4AM] 0.0278 0.10526
pre_other_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for day besides commuter hours, night hours, early hours or work hours. 0.07194 0.10526
pre_work_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the work hours of the day [10AM-5PM] 0.54756 0.36842
pre_loc_other_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for day besides commuter hours, night hours, early hours or work hours [Location Signals based] 0.15748 0.10526
pre_loc_commute_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for  the commuting hours of the day [7AM-10AM AND 5PM-8PM] [ Location Signals based] 0.33465 0.42105
pre_loc_work_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the work hours of the day [10AM-5PM] [ Location Signals based] 0.42717 0.36842
pre_loc_night_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the late hours of the day [11PM-4AM] [ Location Signals based] 0.04134 0.10526
pre_loc_early_hour_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the early hours of the day[4AM-7AM] [ Location Signals based] 0.03937 0
pre_home_signal_count double Mobile signals distribution for home hours [8PM - 6AM] 0.50839 0.52632
pre_work_signal_count double Mobile signals distribution for work hours [10AM-5PM] 0.39547 0.31579
pre_other_signal_count double Mobile signals distribution for the day besides home and work hours 0.09614 0.15789
pre_daily_engagement_count double Processed value of, mobile signals count per active day for the device 1 0.003177179
pre_device_period double Processed value of the observation period of the device 0.534513831 0.035215031
pre_inactive_period double Processed value of the inactive period of the device 0 0.350649357
pre_active_days double Processed value of the active engagement period of the device 0.808228254 0.0132714
pre_weekday_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the Weekdays [Monday-Thursday]. Higher the score, higher the active engagement during weekdays compared to weekends 0.58824 0.64286
pre_weekend_engagement double Mobile signals distribution for the weekends [Friday-Sunday]. Higher the score, higher the active engagement during weekends compared to weekdays 0.41176 0.35714
pre_daily_average_active_hr double Processed value of the average daily active hours for the device 0.628333509 0.086727239
pre_daily_median_active_hr double Processed value of the median daily active hours for the device 0.615384638 0



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